Celebrate for the World Cup 2018 - Build your Supportive Card for fun
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i use chrome, and no problem. I write alternatetext instead alernatetext and the image code still works fine.
just like our fellow daoist said, you can upload the image here
after you uploaded it, click embed codes : HTML, look for img src="thisisyourlink_copyit".
I tried use the https://ibb.co/jmevpo link, but it didn't work for me. so i used the img src links.
i think you already know but in case you forget.
to upload the image
write alernatetext](yourlink)
note: add "!" and "[" before "alernatetext]..." to complete the code.
Boo hoo~ nothing happens when I click the share button. How do I share?
Kulha Sorry bro. Although I'm not in charge of Inkstone, I will follow this issue. Waiting for my update.
doesn't work for me can't edit the character. using Samsung internet and Google. on Samsung note 8.
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@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL the link doesn't work for me and i don't think it will automatically start working just because you copy and paste the link enough time. It looks like it's something that only work on tablets and phones, maybe you could check the link with your website developers and have it work for desktop browsers as well.
p.s it looks like you got the site to work on your own pc, but if you have enough people that claim the link doesn't work, then please believe us when we say the link doesn't work on our pc browsers. This thing sounds like a fun project, don't let it flop.
Miya Revolving_Samsara Sorry, there is a hidden bug just found. We have fixed it. You can have a try.
with all that said and done, i made it. a lot of work for a silly image, the team i'm rooting for doesn't even make it to the world cup :dizzy_face: :skull_crossbones:
Why is there no philippine flag?
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#WC2018CARD #Webnovel
Webnovel ID: 2310915511
I have share it on Instagram
Italy is missing
dapenggaofei can I ask what you've tested it on as it's still not working on chrome on my pc but has now started on the edge browser pic's below and as your note on the black chrome one I've left the time (UK) and i have cleared my cookies etc again and even updated chrome to todays build Version 67.0.3396.87 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Mtaiofbook how to post the picture here?
Mtaiofbook you need to use a hosting site, use a free one like https://imgur.com/ ( which I've used for about 5years + ) but do rem to set up your album/pic's as private, then you can share the link you get once you upload, just but cutting and pasting it in here is the best way or you can google "free pic hosting etc if you don't want to use the one i use
Pizz tq, I will try it now