Looking for an honest review swap.
Review Swap - Honest Detailed Feedback
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xJavierMex No worries give me some time and ill have a read through of all your work and leave a review. Hope this message is finding you well
NocturnOwl Okay, I'll also review yours as well very soon!
jmjackie I'm interested in a review swap! I just reworked alot of my story and started fresh for the WSA so I'd really appreciate any criticism or suggestions on how to improve.
Here's my link: [](https://)
Hello, please look into my new book 'Love or Truth' and leave your comments and review. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Here's the link...check it out
Para23 Hi! I'm interested in swapping honest reviews with you. If you're fine with me, please reply to this comment.
Here is the link to my story:
Riley_23 I’ve done yours, here’s mine
HouseOfLee done
ashk29 Done!! I left a review, commented on the chapter, and added it to my library. It's your turn. Hope you do the same.
Here is the link to my story:
Review swap, anyone?
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Alright lets do it. Here is my novel:'s-upsurge_25850762306380005
Is anyone interested in a review swap? Here is my link:
P.S.: Please give an honest review!!
Hello, please look into my new book 'Love or Truth' and leave your comments and review. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Here's the link...check it out
Done! Please review my book -->'s-mate-%5Bbl%5D_24935111305339705
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Kashin_san Done! Please review my book -->'s-mate-%5Bbl%5D_24935111305339705
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Marckaroni Done! Please review my book -->'s-mate-%5Bbl%5D_24935111305339705
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Lunule Done! Please review my book -->'s-mate-%5Bbl%5D_24935111305339705
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MansonFD7 Done! Please review my book -->'s-mate-%5Bbl%5D_24935111305339705