Is anybody else having problems getting some books to load after selecting them from a search or the explore section? For example when I try to select Wizard World or Daily Life of the Immortal King it shows that it is loading but it never does. I've selected other books and it loads just fine. Is there a fix for this? I've tried closing the app and that doesn't work.
Books not loading
This has been going on for the past couple days it’s just more and more people are starting to have this problem now some have been at 6 days and others 2
Same here I've had the problem for 4 days with more or less tge new releases so it quite sucks hole they fix it soon
A fix is underway.
Same issue
WewereHarbinger It’s doing the same thing for me
That's true
Yeah same, I wonder when it will be fixed!
Temporary workaround is to add them to your library via PC(or maybe mobile browser? I dunno, haven't tried that.)
Should be fixed.
Still not working error code -10015
Nearly a week the app hasn't been working.
Still not working can we have update on the timescale
can you have a try now?user your webnovel app,is it function ok?