
  • Oct 17, 2018
  • Joined Dec 31, 2017
  • Dragon Marked War God

    Its the very definition of a character being OP the strongest saint reincarnated with a broken cultivation system and proceeds to pretty much crush anyone who annoys him in a pretty short amount of time and big yellow is just funny

    • I wonder whether novels that were copy and pasted from a certain other site will eventually fall under this pay wall

      • Still no company wise responce or announcement, I am utterly disgusted with this platform the way the premium spirit stones are structured is a joke how this company expects the average reader to afford the cost of way over two hundred pounds a novel and let's be honest many people read more than 1. people are gonna be paying way over 50 pounds a month I may swell go buy a book or get Netflix I love these novels but I'm done with this site I've pumped well over £200 pounds into this useless laggy,bugged,zero contact site and now they stick a pay wall in with no notice to anyone I've waited 3 months to catch up on some book, well what a waste of time that was

      • Considering this thread was posted nearly a day ago and with the amount of money pumped into the company youd think at least 1 administrator or representative would clarify such a substantial implication, personally I'm a premium user for certain novels but that is a minority many I read for free and if they become premium with how ss are priced and the sheer number and the commitment required for some books I would be looking at near £200 to read one whole book and that is something many people surely cannot afford to be spending

        • Im having the same issues in the UK half the time as well as the error codes I think it all stems from the same issues tbh

          • Pizz replied to this.
          • Still not working can we have update on the timescale

            • Be nice if someone from the tech team could give us a response .....

              • Having invested in SS now I can longer financially do so I'm facing at least a month waiting so in reality I should have waited, the current system doesn't inspire you to support

                • At least the translation has resumed a lot of the problems could really be simply resolved with a good quality proof reader who has been reading the novel so knows the existing terminology and translating style of the previous translator some of the recent move names don't seem to come across well in translation and just sometimes seem to make them seem disjointed

                  To the translator I'd suggest asking on the forum for a existing reader who has some experience in English language to help proof read your stockpile and edit the existing chapters you have released reading castellan makes me cringe a little everytime.

                • Do we have a time scale when this is gonna be fixed by

                  • But still no update on when translation will be resumed I was under the impression that the new translator needed a few weeks to stockpile but it has now been longer than a few weeks and still nothing so does this mean the translator is either imcompetant, we have been lied to as to what is going on or that there wasn't a new translator lined up

                    • Id hope you do however I doubt it as the translator may wish to build up a 'stock' of chapters. I feel the larger issue is the people who invested in the chapters using spirit stones ie real money on the understanding that they would have regular releases and to be a certain extent be ahead however now and likely by the time translation begins anew the regular chapters will have likely caught up to the premium release schedule

                    • Each to there own I personally found it to be enjoyable reading and perhaps your inability to understand/enjoy the novel comes from your lack of understanding when crafting a syntax as demonstrated in your last comment

                      • Can we know who the new translator is going to be and if they have previously translated? This is a great story and having read the raws I'd hate to see it spoiled by inept translatations. Ideally I'd like to hope the translator is at least a fan of this novel.

                        • Yes they do seperate however I'd recommend perseverance as this is a fantastic novel and the seperation is clearly plot armour so that she can keep up with the MCs development else her on cultivation would be left far behind

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