Sereinchoo Of course, still got a novel to read and review, but I'll get it done as soon as I can.
Review Swaps - Female-lead stories Or NO CP
NinaChroni Just left my review on your story, you weren't lying when you said it was dark. Really enjoyed reading tho.
NinaChroni will read yours and in a few days and leave an honest review
Please check out mine also give your feedback... Don't hold yourself back and be brutally honest
AAAHH_ do you want to swap reviews and comments?
Thank you! I am sorry I am not going to be able to get to your until tomorrow. I am not feeling well tonight and elnt be able. To really focus. I will do it early and let you know as soon as it is done. Thank you again.
Hey, I have not forgotten about your review, but I won't be able to so it until the morning. I am not well right now, and won't be able to properly focus. Sorry for the delay.
AAAHH_ Just read yours - I quite enjoyed it. Left some comments for you (^~^) Thanks!
Here's my story link :
Blackberry1234_ oh hey new person!
I saw your synopsis and I am interested in reading it!
Blackberry1234_ done! Sent review just now.
Hope you can see mine as well. You can be brutally honest
Sereinchoo Thank you, already have your novel in my library. Sorry it's taking a bit.
Thanks for the review send the link of your own book as well
here is the link to the dark sci-fi fantasy
Here's the one for thy hybrid demon slayer
Either one is fine. Please choose the one closest to your reading style. Thank you!
Sereinchoo Just wrote my review. Was pleased to see it was a setting I enjoy and you didn't disappoint with the story either. Thanks for the swap and good luck.
NinaChroni here is the link to the dark sci-fi fantasy
Here's the one for thy hybrid demon slayer
Either one is fine. Please choose the one closest to your reading style. Thank you!
OldNispy I'm currently working on your book. I've started reviewing it.
It's a great book and I'm hooked up, added it to my collections
Sereinchoo hello
Can you also review my book
Here's the link
Please send yours and I'll review it also
NinaChroni please can you also review my book
Here's the link.
Drop yours and I'll also do a review
Blackberry1234_ I will, but it will probably take me a couple of days. Is that 9k?.