ReganDryke The add-watching is only available for the first year that a webnovel is being translated on this site. If they don't finish within that timeframe, you're screwed.
Qidian is Removing daily unlock for chapters
Misguided_Rooster welp just been confirmed
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That's sad....
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First they don't give me my stones for a contest and now no free chapters :/ Anyone wants to like form a discord/line group or even a google drive folder so we can unlock different novels and share the chapters? Not sure if this is allowed but it should be fine if its private I guess?
This is what make me love everything about piracy
If we play pirates, dibs on wooden leg Jerry, sounds nice.
Honestly I’m so triggered now.
I’ve been saving up my ss, as I wanted to binge read a novel titled “It’s not easy to be a man after travelling to the future”. I have saved up almost 200ss, because as soon as I heard that the novel is done, i would splurge and unlock the remaining chapters.
I’m tilted. This novel is not the only novel I read. Currently I’m reading about 20 webnovels on Qidian alone, and this shit comes up? When they first put up a use ad to unlock chapter, I grumbled a bit but I adapted, and I thought, well isn’t it just a short 8 seconds for each chapter?
When they set up a premium system for some popular novels, I was infuriated. But wait, I calmed down as they said they would still unlock a chapter a day for readers. Not too bad, and also not all novels were under this system.
Then this, this shit happens?
Qidian, I’m sorely dissapointed. Your readers are not wads of cash, we are actual human beings. Work is hard, and salaries are limited.
Not even a simple a chapter a day for us?
Even if the ads are not bringing in enough money, there is no need to block every reader behind a paywall. Wuxiaworld did not resort to such measures and they are still alive. Volarenovels too and many other translator sites. So what’s so special about you guys?
Have you ever thought about the students or the unemployed? Do you not want to share to the world and spread the love for webnovels everywhere? To do this, you have to remember, not everyone has hundreds of dollars they are willing to spend on reading.
Reading is a great hobby made horrible by people like you.
PanZeRiZ No offense but you wasted your time writing all of this... They don't care, end of the line.
Threetimess they care....For the money
TypeFantasyHeart all these shenanigans, will just make members migrate to other sites. I’ve been a reader since 2017 and still reading on Webnovel. I hope it stays that way but please Webnovel/QI, Get your act together!
TypeFantasyHeart What is the premium chapter
Aoi_00 A Chapter that you can read only by paying Spirit Stones.
There really isn’t anything we can do if they change their business model can we? Everything free users see are all FREE
itsmegiancarlo You can move. However, you still have free daily SS enough to read 1 premium book. If you are looking around. There were many non-premium originals. (Fair warning: They might get contracted and become premium novel).
MasterRabbink Not really. You can earn a little over 30 free SS a day. So just on free, it would take about 380 days to have enough to unlocking of the completed novels here.
Velixar That is normal. You will need that much time to write/translate a novel.
From voting new novel and first power stone gift are ten stones, daily login, if you lucky twelve, bad luck seven.
So, mostly twenty on me too
Lyle_Walt SweetsTomato You can get around 5 - 15 SS too by watching ads in the 'Earn Rewards' in the app. :) Though for some, I think it's glitchy.
DazzlingGem don't use app