Dear readers,

Due to a server failure, our webpages, mobile pages, and some APP pages weren't able to be accessed from 2:11 AM to 7:52 AM on November 24th E.S.T. All the platforms are now back up and running as the cause of the failure had been identified and fixed.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and all users will receive 50 Spirit Stones as compensation. The Spirit Stones can be manually claimed from Inbox > notification tab.

At last, sorry again for the inconvenience caused and hope you enjoy reading as before!

Many Thanks,
Product Team of Qidian International

    Umm it is true that some pages are up again but other pages (such as the novel and chapter pages) are still saying "Whoops! We might have some troubles to find out this page. Please try again or back to home"

    (This is on the browser version)

      Problems are happening again ...

        And a couple minutes after the announcement, the servers have crashed once again. :c

        Hopefully you guys fix this soon!!

          For me it's crashed yesterday evening but this morning it was working so i start reading the stuff from elsewhere first. That way i have the qidian chapter only after but.... now that i'm ready to read? Crashed again!
          Hope it will not stay broken because it's my favourite reading site right now.
          (it's still 9H30 am for me)

            Need increase 50 stones to 70 80 or something . Its actually really not fun when you are into story but suddenly crashes destroy all tension

            Сбой в системе. Вчера вечером тоже было

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