redlady Done!
Swap review here
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ThreyaMidnight You wrote comments .You can copy the comments and past them in the review under the book.Please do so !
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Demi9000 Let's swap reviews !
I am done ! Waiting for you !
redlady oh sorry about that, this is my first time to write reviews/comments in this site so I wasn't sure which is what rest assured, I made a proper review now!
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ThreyaMidnight Don't worry ! I would feel bad if I made you feel offended just because of a small mistake. Rest assure ! Love you !
Ninestar619_5803 ok thanks i'll review yours.
Let's do a swap. Please add mine to the collection and leave a review.
Let's do a swap. Add mine to the collection and leave a review. Thanks
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Evil_Avatar Please review back !
Lets exchange review and collections, reply this message if you have done yours and Ill do the same as well
Here is the link for the novel
Please read my novel and give it a feedback i am trying something new so your feedback will be very much valuable. Guys its short show pls give it a quick try. I won't disappoint you.
Evil_Avatar bro pls read my novel and give me honest review i will do same with you.