Abluegiant On it!
Review swap
Typical1 as promised, here's my link
Typical1 No, I'm not interested in swap review because most of my reviews contain spoilers. However, I found your story interesting, particularly the concept. Keep up the good work!
Semangat123_5546 Hey!
This is my novel Masquerade X Demolition, enjoy!
DragonKnov Thank you
SalomeTadala sure, but I will read later on. I am gonna add your story to my library first.
Number1reality @Abluegiant Are you guys up for a review swap? I'll promptly provide a five-star review in return. after you
Rin_Nurnia I can also do yours
DragonKnov we can also do a swap review too. My novel is Phoenix's Flame. Link is coming right up.
Annisax done, will be waiting for yours.
Rin_Nurnia I just did it now
Review swaps guys! Ping me after you are done for instant and honest reviews.
Annisax Hi, I've read your book and leave a review.
Would you like to read my light novel and share your opinion?
Rin_Nurnia Hi, I've read your book and leave a review.
Would you like to read my light novel and share your opinion?
TsukasaFrier I just did yours too. It's a very nice story.