I made a fanfiction novel posted 3 chapters and decided to drop it and i want to delete it and i realized that i couldn't when will be able to do it ?
When will we be able to delete our novels?
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Someday... In a long long long galaxy far far far away. Joke. Real answer bellow.
You can by manually email the moderator. <= Real answer (Ignore the rest. This Rabbink faced writer block.)
Perhaps, if the above fail, you could try to DMCA Webnovel for your own novel?
You kept the right since you are not contracted, but you revoke the right of Webnovel/Qidian to publish it. If they didn't hear your DMCA, that would open some job for some lawyers. (Joke it would be too costly.)
MasterRabbink so you know the moderators email and if you do can you give me it?
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KaiokenGuy @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL You can call the mod to here.
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@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i would like my novel One Piece Luffy The Gamer to be deleted since i quited it
KaiokenGuy You can also email service@webnovel.com with your Username, and your Book title, and let them know you wish for it to be deleted.;,;.
MasterRabbink how much time does it take to delete the novel i tried with this and also emailed at service@webnovel.com on gmail but no response for both
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KaiokenGuy Gwahahaha. That is normal. Do you think it is easy to delete contents? No. It is hard to delete contents from facebook, myspace, friendster, etc. They would make it easier after they grew into a behemoth. Ganbatte!
You have to wait! They are busy. (Perhaps you should wait 1 week to 1 month. Good luck!)
MasterRabbink i hope they will add the option to delete your own novels in the future so that we wont need to be dependent on them
I read in another thread that they will do so in the next System Update or so
100 Spirit Stones to delete a novel
50% goes to me and the other 50%..eh, I don't mind taking it.
Misguided_Rooster you can delete novels?
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL cancel that novel delete fam im back to writing it
This is why you shouldn't be able to delete a novel. Lol.
I think they will not make this option. Imagine someone hack your account and delete all your work?
Consider this as precautions from webnovel
SweetsTomato dude..they can still delete all your work...
SweetsTomato how is it a precaution when they can delete all the chapters instead XD
still hoping that this would be a thing
JavaSprings hahaha...Test the water
So you know that still can delete for some extend, although not totally
Cobyboy At this time, I don't want it. So I could check an author past record.