Amirhimel I don't know why everyone blame the web novel for late or stopped updated, aren't they should ask the translator for that?
That also for the mass release, if the translator don't have many chapter in the stock how come they can give mass release?
LuJingliFutureWife good stories
I love your stories
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WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL im expecting for perfect love mass release goshhhh
2 chapterS a day make me ill
happles yeah we need a mass release for it
3 chaptera MASS release eh. My favorite. Thanks
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL finished the nation husband... Thank u webnovel for the free chapters...
Come on add LOHP to this list...
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madsme me tooo!! I hope that next time they do a mass release for perfect secret love there will be aat least 10 chaps.
GrandMeister at monster paradise idiot
Is there a glitz or what ceo spoiled me 100% im back to zero
xiaoxioumly Yeah!
Its Monday already where are the discounted premium chapters of Imm its still the same
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I don't see any discount on immortal mortal
kizzmhe It's not a glitch. The chapters were locked again after freeing it up for two weeks as was stated in TGIF#23. And it shouldn't be back to zero since locked chapters is from C101 only. If all your chapters were locked, then that's probably a bug.
Here's a more thorough explanation. :)
Why my unlocked chapters have become locked again?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL it's already 12pm (gmt+8) and Immortal is still not discounted.
I hope they mass release ancient godly monarch nothings going on after the academy waiting suckd
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL why Mr ceo spoiled me 100% suddenly lock... I bought spirit stone just to unlock all chapter... When I open again that chapter need unlock with spirit stone again.. Please help me
My money, my spirit stone, my chapter GONE