@PRINCE_0F_DARKNESS I gave my utmost honest review for your novel, lmk if this is what you wanted. I want you to do your best, but I like the dedication you have so far 🙂 don’t forget to do mine as well

    Scorpious_star If you want: I can give you a review and add to collection in exchange for 2-3 paragraph comments for the 3 recent chps i published and add to collection

      Aidan_Grey I’ve added to collection and left a review. Don’t forget to do mine 🙂

        PRINCE_0F_DARKNESS I have finished doing yours: “I gave my utmost honest review for your novel, lmk if this is what you wanted. I want you to do your best, but I like the dedication you have so far 🙂 don’t forget to do mine as well”

          Art1111 Sure! I can undertake this task. I will start at the beginning and read to the 10th chapter, and I'll focus on honestly critiquing that one.

            Aidan_Grey you giving me a review wasn't the deal it was: I can give you a review and add to collection in exchange for 2-3 power stones and collection

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