InkDreamer07 Please do review and collection swap with me too whatever you do I will do in yours too
New novel promotion.
nekrom1 lets do review swap but read minimum 5 chapters first then review and I will do the same
Ogu_blessing_Ojima lets do review swap but read minimum 5 chapters first then review and I will do the same
InkDreamer07 yeah okay
Let's do a review but I have only written two chapters.
Let's do review and and promised 5star, reply below so I can do yours too
UelUel I've reviewed and given 5stars, your turn??
I appreciate that, I will definitely make them longer
Anyone else want a review and collection?
TempestGee want to review and collection swap? here is my book.
Itz_justdakid oky no issue you read as much as you want and I will read your 2
TempestGee here I want
InkDreamer07 I already did. Awaiting yours
Diamond_sunshine haven't I done yours?
InkDreamer07 You haven’t
Diamond_sunshine sorry I thought I have done because your book is in my collection
Sinadin_2ndth okay you do mine and I wil yours
InkDreamer07 I checked again, and I’m sure you haven’t. No pressure, you can leave a review at your free time
UelUel I’m interested. Already added your book to my library. I’ll give you a review at my leisure time. Here’s my link
Best story to will ever see and read.