Novel Swap Review and Added to Library
MelvinDash sure already added to library and I'll give you a review my link
obiparadise_purity Thank you!. Im done reading yours also . provided with review and added to library that was wonderful
Supreme_V I'm done reviewing your novel, pls do mine as well, here's the link
Ninestar619_5803 Thank you so much. I'm already ongoing with yours also. im still at chapter 15 but I will go thru all of the chapter then will provide a review.
Ninestar619_5803 Sure, wait for my review, I'll add your book to my lib first^^
Please give my book a try too
Please join my discord guys . It's is a safe space for writers, readers, editors, artists, and various others; as long as you love stories (in whatever format (audio, manga, video, books)) there is something for you.
There are lots of interesting channels such as a place for novel exchanges (including collections, reviews, and Ps) between authors, a place designated for promotions and recommendations, channels specifically made for readers and authors, discussion platforms and channels for other artists.
Overall, my server is a place for every story lover including anime, movie, and manwha fans, no matter who you are as long as you're into stories then hope right in!
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Please checkout my first novel, Iām a newbie writer.
You can leave an honest review for me to improve my writing skills.
Have a nice day!
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UelUel review and collection swap ?
UelUel Okay I'll add to library and give you a review
AistinaBer Thank you so much. I saw your review and immediately responded by reading your book also. your book was also great. i Just suggest that you create a cover for your book to make it more catchy
Ninestar619_5803 okay, I'll do the same, thanks for the review anyone interested in a swap of reviews
Ninestar619_5803 sure I am doing yours
Uncle_Moon sure sir. please do mine and i will immediately review yours also.
Theothegiant please do mine sir and i will provide a review of yours also
Can I get about 20 comments across the chapters on my novel? I'll provide you a free 5 star review.
Collection swap anyone?
Sinadin Sure sir. do review mine and I will absolutely provide what you requested sir
Uncle_Moon Hi Sir Im done with the review of your book also. Thank you so much
MelvinDash send your link
UelUel done
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Rarajasmin_jazz I've added urs please do the same for mine
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Rarajasmin_jazz No need for review but ty