Can't unlock the next chapter on the pc site with a fast pass, it just shows a red box.
If i use the app to read then i get: Network issues, please try again later -126004
Can't unlock the next chapter on the pc site with a fast pass, it just shows a red box.
If i use the app to read then i get: Network issues, please try again later -126004
BloodRaven If I'm not mistaken you have to use the mobile app to use fast passes.
TheOtherChadGuy Can also use the site but then i get a red box and if i use the app i get: Network issues, please try again later -126004
Same thing is happening with me. Only happens in one novel others are working fine. Tried app and website both. Daily 2 chapter unlock with ads is working fine.
BloodRaven, is it just the one novel like Vandalieu1234, or is it happening on multiple novels?
It sounds like a tech issue on the WN side of things. In which case, they will need to know which novels are having the problem. And you will have to wait for the WN IT staff to get back to you. (Can take a wile.)
In the meantime, the more info you give, the more others can help, and the faster that WN IT staff can find and fix the problem.
P.S. Due to actions I've seen taken on other posts/sites I feel I need to point out that when I say "more info", I'm talking about things like what platform you're using and what novel you're having problems with. DO NOT give out personal details like phone number, email, home address, etc...
And yes, I've seen people do this when asked for "more info".