Bibliophillic Sure, here's mine
Adding your book to my lib now^^
Review and collection swap
anyone wants to do a review and collection swap,
Give review and i will give review to your work
Just add "Mm" with the last word of your comment.
Give review and i will give review to your work
Just add "Mm" with the last word of your comment.
I’m done your review
I'm on it. Do mine, I will do yours)) :
Pinkyprincess I'm done, btw i really like ur book cover.
Lovepostion19 I dropped a review. Good book, verry whimsical writing style.
Here is mine.
Bibliophillic Hi, it's done^^
Carmen_Kingsman Done reviewing yours^^ pls do mine
Lovepostion19 i have done your review and added in the collection hope you do the same.
Let's swap reviews and and collections, reply below if you're interested
Please check out my story and I promise you will be hooked by it
GMSJakers Sure thing. I'm reading it right now, I will review when I'm done.
Here is mine again.
I finished my review. Here is mine.
- Edited
@Bibliophillic ok honey, let's start
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@superAyan ok honey, let's start
Lovepostion19 Let me give your book a review too!
Jadeite_Green Thanks a lot!
GMSJakers Hey, review swap? Here's my link:
GMSJakers Hi, I'm done with my review, pls do mine
superAyan I’ve done yours, here’s mine:
HouseOfLee I just saw it, thanks! Wait for my review^^
HouseOfLee Done^^
wants to swap review and collection
nekrom1 superAyan Xcalibur_Xc @HouseOfLee @Sapphire_Ace @Sara_Wilcox @Pinkyprincess @Carmen_Kingsman @Lions_Quill @JetLord004 @TempestGee @GMSJakers @Claudiah_Darius @UelUel @superAyan @Jadeite_Green @Lovepostion19 @Mr_Thief @Bibliophillic
<iframe src="" width="480" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=" GIPHY</a></p>
Hey fellow webnovel enthusiasts and aspiring authors,
We hope this finds you well and full of creative energy!
After another successful event, the Audertist Discord server is here again to spice things up again. Before that, if you haven't heard of us already we are Audertist a thriving community of talented writers who come together to discuss, share, and support each other's creative endeavors.
So what's our next Discord event? Drumroll, please...
The ADR Discord - Comment Bundle Splash
Here's the lowdown: We're challenging all authors to come and join for a comment/feedback/review exchange blowout! Think of it like a feedback buffet where you team up and give each other comments and/or feedback.
How to Participate:
Join the Audertist Discord server.
The Countdown:
This event kicks off on September 11, 2023 and run until September 29th. During that time you will be grouped into teams. Each team will ideally have around 20 people. Each person on team is tasked with reading one chapter of each other books and then give 3 comments on the book page no matter which site its on. Those comments can be reviews or postive feedback. Before the event begins, each person should select the type of intensity you want the comment to be. At the end of the reading and comment/feedback buffet you should have received around 60 comments on your first chapter of you book if we reach ideal numbers for teams.
That's all! If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated event coordinators. Let's make this event unforgettable and fun to the blast!
Best of luck, fellow writers! We can't wait to see your passion for writing light up the Audertist community!
Dear author, i already give 5 rating and add to my collection, My book Art of Gigolo system Thank you
Hey guys, check out my new book, we can review swap !
araskama Done
Let's swap 5star reviews and collections, reply below if you're interested
UelUel Yea ill swap reviews if your still interested
- Edited
I would love to swap reviews with anyone still available
hi i am a co author to HeavensMistake please spare time a read our novel
Let’s do a review/comment/collection swap! Let me know when you’re done with mine and I will return the favor!