DARK_DEKU I did check please
Your insights will help me out.
Claudiah_Darius what are you saying you even replied my review
DARK_DEKU miss understanding. I did check your review, thanks
Claudiah_Darius added your book to my list and would be leaving a review soon.
You can do same for mine after I do.
Book name - On the wind of love.
Link - http://wbnv.in/a/7bhuCJQ
DARK_DEKU added your book to my reading list and would be leaving a review soon.
You can do same for mine after I do. Thank you
Book name - On the wind of love.
Link - http://wbnv.in/a/7bhuCJQ
UelUel the name already got me interested last night . I'm checking it out today and will be adding it to my collection. x
UelUel read the first seven chapters and I did enjoy it. Honestly, you have a really good book and you must have a fantastic mind too. x
Am done with yours, do away with mine. It's an interesting story I love your work
UelUel I did. Not dropping it
Claudiah_Darius thank you. Yours is in my library. Want to keep going back to it. x
Claudiah_Darius Are you interested in collection and review swap.
Here's my link https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/26608725805643105?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4324210246