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Review swapping
Here is my book I need honest reviews
UelUel ok just search it Baili And The Seven Hells
Rugged_King here for the swap. You can leave comments to in the story, anything you found problematic or not adding to your reading experience. Thanks for the feedback
Here is mine: Omega wars chronicles. The story talks about a young boy who desires to become the greatest despite his flaws but as each chapter progresses, the boy must learn the meaning of strength while dealing with his internal struggles.
Cloudee77 done. Remember to review mine
Lin_Noel done. Review mine
Rugged_King it isn't showing there. Are you sure you did review mine not smb else's? Sorry fr the trouble.
Cloudee77 hello! lets swap review! here's mine
anyone who wants to swap reviews. Here's mine; I'll review anyone who reviews mine.
Ank_Art I would love to review yours and for you to review mine
Hey - would you consider a review/comment swap?
Let me know
I am looking for feedback more on the mid/later chapters but anything is grand!
Hey - would you consider a review/comment swap?
Let me know
I am looking for feedback more on the mid/later chapters but anything is grand!
Here's mine please review it-
UelUel Please review mine too-
Here you go - let me know what you want me to review!
Vex_900 im done reviewing yours! thank you
for anyone like to swap, you can check my book and review it, i'll review anyone who reviews mine
Cloudee77 no don't tell me that. Go and check your reviews again. Name: Rugged King