Lord_Ouro same here can't download there app either i hope they don't last long after what they have done and without warning us first

- Apr 9, 2022
- Joined Feb 12, 2019
I'm feeling the same way
they removed them replaced them with points of all things
if they don't fix this whats the point even login to get daily rewards?
scarlett1414 same and i'm using google chrome
NO for one i don't own a cell phonewhy isn't this being fixed !!!!!!!!!!!
Right after they add this there comics haven't been loading or they load half a page not its not being fixed this has been going on for days and for something no-one asked for/needed "fast passes" the coins worked just find and those comics loaded !!! Now they don't
i don't see why we need these fast pass thing at all
since they updated there site the comics haven't been loading or half loading pages
salking84 not for me google chrome it hasn't been loading on for me
The Crazy Adventures of Mystical Doctor comic pages aren't loading at all
TooLongDidntRead same thing it won't unlock i have 13 blue stones for it but it won't unlock and its only on the comics