My solution? Just wait for the regularly released chapters...

- Jul 14, 2019
- Joined Apr 21, 2018
I hope that eventually they realise the majority of users aren’t happy with this system and fix it.
CKtalon It’s all well and good for a privilege to be accessible only to the select few who are willing to purchase it. However all those examples you gave - the VIP lounges, the business class plane tickets, the VIP concert tickets etc. ALL have a CLEAR advantage to the paying customers. Your privilege system DOESN’T. From the look of things, these “privilege readers” are paying hundreds, if not thousands, of SS to see the titles of chapters they don’t actually have access to. Why not reduce the cost of the chapters which are STILL locked after purchasing the privilege (instead of keeping it at the same price that non-privilege readers pay) OR reduce the cost of the privilege itself? From the point of view of the majority of readers here, this system has no clear advantages or benefits, it’s just an excessive cost for a non-existent right. Therefore, it is not a privelege. Stop throwing that word around.
itsumademo This is why I’m so baffled. 15 advanced privilege chapters in one novel costs 750 SS and that’s over 160 regular chapters (at an average of 4-6 SS per chapter) so I can’t understand how this scheme is suppose to be logical. And you can’t use that “privilege” on any other novel except the one you purchased it for?!?! Webnovel you MUST be having a laugh! Bloody money suckers!
Just trash the entire scheme!! I’d rather you just stick to the £19.99 per month instead of this rubbish.