Hi everyone Barion here, I have a question regarding payments (don't worry I'm not going to ask how much you earn or anything like that), my question is more on the technical side, do we as authors have to look into the stuff like taxes regarding the payments WN issues to us, or are they are already taking care of it when they transfer money to us, I'm not from USA, but I know the payments come from there, so my guess is that they do what they have to do there... I guess, I know I need to check it up with them probably, but I want to know if any of you have seen this aspect, or knows information regarding this subject, because I don't want to have trouble either with the USA tax department (don't know how is it called) and the one of my country, since I will have to declare once I surpass a certain amount of yearly income if they aren't already doing the tax stuff on USA, if they are I will just have to ask for come documentation from WN and that will be it.
Let me know if you have any information regarding it and thanks for your time, some serious stuff that's been spiraling in my head recently (also if this isn't allowed to be discussed here then please don't ban me, tell me and I will take it down asap, or just delete it if needed, not trying to cause trouble just some geniune questions I have).