Try using some VPN.

- Mar 30, 2023
- Joined Jun 7, 2022
Also make more forum posts and like posts requesting to bring back ad supported chapters.
Please listen to your readers and stop with this over monetization.
Ella_Sheridan fastpass expire around 7 days after getting them
So the uncontrolled monitizaton of this site. This was the one saying grace and you even took that away. Shame on you
This move alienates fans of your novels. Stop being so greedy or people will just go elsewhere which in turn will hurt your profit margins.
This has to be the one of worst decision this site made for readers. Such a scummy corporate move.
- In Ads missing?
This app is getting worse by the day. Too much greed. I don't think this week last for long.
Why can't I read 2 chapters watching ads anymore. This is not right. You can't just change your policy all of a sudden that is so beneficial to soo many readers.
Why did Er Gen's novel Outside of Time suddenly stop updating? Is it going on Hiatus and if so for how long? There is a serious lack of communication from the translator and webnovel team.