
  • Jul 3, 2019
  • Joined Dec 27, 2018
  • Can I just buy the books I’m interested in?? If it’s completed why can’t I just purchase the entire version? If the subscription doesn’t come back and no reasonable options pop up then I will unfortunately have to quit using this app. I have spent over $50 in ss in the past two weeks alone on one book(and I was trying to read slowly). I understand that authors and translators should be compensated for their work but this is kind of ridiculous.

    If you do the math, the story I was reading has over 2000 chapters (this is more than the average on this site usually), on the cheap end let’s assume that each chapter is 4ss (pretty sure that it’s at 11ss, but let’s pretend). That means it costs 8000ss to read the novel. At 1200ss for $20, that’s a little over 6 payments (you can do slightly more ss for $50 but that’s besides the point). This means that if I want to read the entire novel, it will cost me over $120. Sorry, but as much as I love to read, that is not ok. Especially when I am reading multiple novels at once.

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