U know in i have mansion in post blah blah blah...
Why didnt the MC went past the world?
I mean like why doesnt he go futher into future...
Using the same concept...if and IF the MC were to go further into future would his action at the post world change the further future?
And what is the limitation of the time that he can travel to? (Cuz u know he could just travel into one week to future in post world and if he mess up anything he could just went back to one week before)

- Jul 4, 2018
- Joined Nov 24, 2017
- In Men Vs Women
160 y do i found same user?
So how do you become a premium? Is it just spending money to buy any spirit stone?
Or do I have to meet a certain amount of transaction?Its not like i want to go or anything...
....take me please...