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Cannot receive powerstones. Plz help
Pinoy din.
laglag ko lang diyan...
Happy New Year everyone.
I'm just gonna drop it here.
Happy New Year everyone.
I just loved the book and please continue with it.
BeriAH Yes, Let's do it.
Hello everyone, it's my turn to promote my story.
(If you are into an evil protagonist, maybe you'll like this)
Have a good day and a happy reading.
kingmojidori I'll post a review if you posted at least 10 chapters. I don't want to judge a book if it's just starting. All I can say is, so far so good.
(A little fact, this is my first time reading a book that supports LGBT and I must say... a very weird feeling, Hahaha XD.)
Fhrutz_D_Hollow Do you want to exchange reviews with me?
I'll read yours and leave a review.
Here is the link
Hello everyone, I am just going to advertise my novel here.
Title: Becoming the Villain
(If you are into an evil protagonist, maybe you'll like this.)
Have a nice day.