
  • Dec 30, 2018
  • Joined Dec 18, 2017
  • Don't you guys think that if we could get just get a monthly subscription to the premium chapters it would be beneficial for both sides say like 10$ a month times I'll just throw a random number out their 500,000 (<----us in case their is someon that don't get it)that would be a solid 5mil that way the company and the people would both be in seventh heaven because if you really think about it I can't imagine that 500,000 people all would pay even a 1$ for the 50 ss let alone the 50$ for the 3250 ss because lets be honest here if you are really reading there is no way that the free chapters are going to cut it and buying ss is just a money pit. So in conclusion People that actually want to read and have that little bit of spare cash can read their favorite books to their hearts content. While the whiny little cheap-scapes for whatever reason can't afford it can make a river with there cheap a$# tears and jump in it to go to the other side and meet Yama anyone in agreement?

    • Thats what im saying man do any of you guys know or any way to like petition for that becuse it is getting to the point that i think it will be easier to wait tell the novel to come out before i read it but man i really dont want that its the only me time i get ya know

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