Austin093837 Ill check out yours and leave a review I hope you can do the same for mine "The Female MC And Me"

- Mar 12, 2024
- Joined Jul 10, 2023 If youre a fan of super soldiers clad In power armor wreaking havoc maybe you'll like this
Darkodia k I'll start reading In a few days because I'm a bit busy now
Reveries_ k I will but don't be surprised if you don't get a review for a few days, I wasn't expecting for someone to post one for mine so soon
Reveries_ do you want me to read youre book fully or just a few chaps and post the review?
Darkodia heres mine if youre Insterested lest do a review swap
Syahola sure Im currently doing another swap review so feel free to post youre review after I post mine
Hi let's support each other with review swaps lets support each other with review swaps