Ten things my best friend does not know about me

- Jun 11, 2022
- Joined May 24, 2022
NicholasZZ let me send you another link
NicholasZZ here is my book. I ha ve added it to my collection and reviewed it so you can leave a review on my book. review anyone?
If I have not written a review for you but you have written for me, please send your link here
Aeirana I have added your book and done a review
Please write a review for me- In Review Swap
TheSuccessor you have still not done a review swap for me...and I have written a review for you
This is my linksafa_bukhari I have written a review
binni_seon I have added your book and I read some part. So I will be honest with you here because I don't want to give you a bad review on your own page. It was hard to read, the characters were confusing starting from the beginning when you had explained her employee role, it made it seem like there were two bosses. I can tell that it is a good story but your writing skills need improving.
Motsu_Kion I am not going to forget
I can write a review but I can't vote. I'dont have power stoneMITCHIEWilliams I have written a can check it out
Please do the same for my book alright send me your link
This is mineChainslock
I have added it to my collection, I will read it soon. this is my bookshy_baby222 I have given my review
shy_baby222 I am
I have added your book to my collection.i will review it soon