I have the auto-unlock locked chapters set on, and I read over 10 chapters while I was on a long train ride, however, when I got to the hotel and tried to pick up where I left off, the chapters I had read during my travels were locked again. I checked my consume history but it shows I never purchased those 10 chapters, however, I'm quite sure my spirit stones decreased by a lot as each chapter would have cost me 11 SS and the SS I have now are lower than when I left. I re-purchased the chapter of Reverend Insanity (1159) that I'm currently on, and it showed up in the consume history but the previous chapters are still locked. Is this also a matter of free chapters or am I right to bring this up?

- Jan 10, 2022
- Joined Feb 11, 2019
Was trying to purchase the Elite membership for over a week, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get the option to pay (the payment button/prompt just kept infinitely swirling), I only got the prompt to pay once and it quickly disappeared. I guess the thing discontinuing explains why I couldn't purchase it in the first place.