still waiting for CGG mass explosion chapters, lets go for TGIF #2

- Jun 29, 2023
- Joined Nov 26, 2017
- In TGIF # 1
- Edited
only $399
AdeRian hahahaha the power of bahasa ambiggu
neesha yuk gunaiin bahasa indonesia, maafin aku yaa tak bermaksud membatasi seperti itu. hanya menyoba untuk sopan dan menyoba menaati himbauan yang di buat Qi. kalo udah kayak gini ayo gunain bahas terus!!!!!!
neesha Sebenernya semangat pake Bahasa, but in qidian forum guideline told us user of the forum to use international languages so everyone can join the conversation.
so much fun reading this Travelblog, that foods picture make me hungry!!!!!
LeechesOfSoul another day, another regime come alive. But not our country regime! hahahahaha
hello fellow countyman , glad to find out there is alot fellow daoist from Indonesia... lets spread the greatness of china web novel and take down the Jap regime in our country! just kidding