Lullabybao Hey, I just reviewed your novel. Here is the link to mine:

- Joined Mar 31, 2021
Copper_mask I just finished your review, I really like how the story is progressing. Here is a link to mine
If anyone else wants to review swap, I am definitely up for it :)
NakedApron Hey, I just finished your review :)
Easy_Tiger Thank you so much for this amazing review, it made me so happy!! I will read your story right now :)
Hi, I was wondering if anyone wanted to do a review swap with me? This is the link to my book:
Thank you
NotBeatrix Hey, I just finished reviewing your book
CrystiliaWyvern Just read your book and wrote a review, I really liked :)
Faysal_Ahmed_5058 Just reviewed your book, I really liked it
Hey everyone, is anyone interested in a review swap? I'm new to this website and writing in general and I wanted to hear some thoughts.
This is the link to my book
Thank you