Added yours too.
Will read and review later.

- Sep 3, 2023
- Joined Aug 30, 2023
Hehe. Thanks. Where can i reach you tho?
Telegram?I want to tell you that i really appreciate all the constructive criticism you gave in the comment section. I could literally hug you now(if you are a girl) lol. Thanks for pointing those mistakes out for me. As such i would like to make a selfish request. Please will be my.......GF....sorry i mean Proofreader? Pleaaaaaaaaase. :
Thanks. Added yor work to my collection will read later and review.Zhoa_Fei
Sure. I just added your book to library. Will read and review later. Make sure you do same to mine
Just added it. Will Do a review later.UelUel
saw the review thanks. i also reviewed yours as well.
Here's my work anyone else who is interested in swapping reviews and collection.
Done as well. Thanks. But i mistakenly reviewed a different story of yours but not the one you posted tho tho. Hope you are okay?The_Open_Sky
Thanks. why dont you post your work so that i check it up and review for you.The_Open_Sky
sure. let me know when you add it to your is my story comment with your story if you are interested. genuine review swap and collection.
- Edited
Hey i just your books to my library
will do a review and rating when i read it later
Please make sure you do same.
Hey im interested here's a link to my work.
Heya I'm interested. This is a link to my work.
Hey man. I'm Interested this is a link to my work.
Okay sure i will add your book to library and read this evening. Thank you for adding.
To everyone else , down there is a link to my new book. You dont have to review just add it to your Library and read later when the chapters are enough. Thanks
Please read and give me a good review and rating and I will do same