
- Aug 12, 2020
- Joined Sep 21, 2017
Did anyone see all the weird korean novels when you sort by new?
https://www.webnovel.com/category/list?category=0&orderBy=2&bookType=0&status=0Same, tells me to check email, but nothing there despite receiving the notification 1h ago.
- In Description
- Edited
Hi Sunny,
Here's a few suggestions for the app:-Custom mode. What this is is that it let's you change the text and background color when you read chapters. Because maybe someone thinks that nightmode is too dark and normalmode is too bright or maybe they like a specific color.
-Specific Download Mode. The download option to either let you select which chapters to download or to download only unread chapters. Also, to let you download paid chapters but to make you pay for them so you don't have to pay for each of the so you just pay in bulk at once.
-Categories. To let you create categories/folders where you put what novels you want. For example I want to create a Reading category/folder in which I put novels that I read daily, and another category/folder named Waiting in which I put novels that I am waiting for chapters to be posted.
-Expanded Notifications. This is so that, you know, you see X novels posted a new chapter, this option is to let you expand that notification to show you what novels posted how many chapters instead of having you click the notification and opening the app.
-Shortcut (this is a bit too much but I said to write it anyway). The option to create a shortcut on you screen for a specific novel that when you click it, it opens the app at the last chapter read.
P.S. Sorry if I was a bit (a bit more) confusing in my descriptions.