All Questions are welcome, please ask whatever you want to here.

- Jan 7, 2021
- Joined Jun 13, 2019
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I am a graphic designer, and also an artist. I can do book cover commissions for a very cheap price. I will attach some of my illustrations.
I'll generally take highest at 10$ for a detailed background, and if you want me to draw and add a character to it, it will wary.
2$ for face up
5$ for bust up
9$ for full-body.
Additionally 7$ for full body flat color.
The second option, which I've done most and see people do, is to simply give me ready made characters and background of your choice, or a general description, and I'll take it off non-copyright platforms and edit them together for you, for 10$ for everything.
So to speak, the highest is 28$, lowest is 8-12$
If you want to commission me for book covers, DM me on discord (Re;Aj*#3210) or instagram (reiko_artz) and we can discuss.The first 3 commissions will get a discount for the price.
Thank you.
I see! Well, I hope to work with you again sometime!
OMG!!!! Thank you s on much!!!! I didn't get a cover on your previous thread, so I'm really happy to get one from you!!
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Uh, that is the background. If you do decide to do mine, and if you don't want to use my pic, you're free to find out any other dark background!- Edited
yaoyueyi I understand if you feel the characters are different in style. Then please try this image. Though, can you rotate it to face the other side, to make them back to back? Thanks!
Also, I'm not sure of you plan to do mine, since i didn't really get a like, so are you?Title: The Revenge of The Abandoned
Author name: IAlphesta
Link to the story:
Geners: Action, Fantasy, Historical, Romance
Images to use: The background: 
The last one:
It would be nice if you could turn the girl's eyes red. That's all, I hope you accept.Author: IAlphesta(me)
Title: The Revenge Of The Abandoned
Genre: Historical Romance
Synopsis: She, was the daughter of the 3rd Prime Minister whose name was bathed in glory and fame.With this type of status, one could roam around proudly and confidently.
But what a joke!
This girl was mistreated, tortured, slandered, used and thrown away like nobody's business!
Upon returning to home, she had to face ruthless torture and relentless pain inflicted by her family members behind their mask of kindness...
Her marriage was a total hoax, forcing her to marry a waste of a prince who had no chance of becoming king.
But her, the naive her was completely loyal to these snake-hearted people, doing whatever necessary, working like an ox to help her husband ascend to the throne.
The result?
The scum that was her husband after becoming the Emperor, made her sister the Empress and threw her into the cold palace as a lowly concubine, eventually even executing her!
Who knew, she would be reborn...
Now she swore vengeance on these people!
Swore to use any means to fulfill her blood vendetta!
Swore to make their life a living hell!
Only then would she be satisfied...
I need a review, my first review! Sorry if you see me too often XD
I'll review yours so review mine!
I desperately need reviews, cuz i got none.
My link, please review? We can do a review swap! But I need a review, since i dont even have a single one!I desperately need a review! My first review!
Title: The Revenge Of The Abandoned
Genre: Historical Romance
Author: IAlphesta(me)
Synopsis: She, was the daughter of the 3rd Prime Minister whose name was bathed in glory and fame.With this type of status, one could roam around proudly and confidently.
But what a joke!
This girl was mistreated, tortured, slandered, used and thrown away like nobody's business!
Upon returning to home, she had to face ruthless torture and relentless pain inflicted by her family members behind their mask of kindness...
Her marriage was a total hoax, forcing her to marry a waste of a prince who had no chance of becoming king.
But her, the naive her was completely loyal to these snake-hearted people, doing whatever necessary, working like an ox to help her husband ascend to the throne.
The result?
The scum that was her husband after becoming the Emperor, made her sister the Empress and threw her into the cold palace as a lowly concubine, eventually even executing her!
Who knew, she would be reborn...
Now she swore vengeance on these people!
Swore to use any means to fulfill her blood vendetta!
Swore to make their life a living hell!
Only then would she be satisfied...
Oh, I've reviewed on 'Destiny Forged' So i am probably featured?Btw, is it even open?
Hi! I want to request for a cover,
Title: The Revenge Of The Abandoned
Author Name: IAlphesta
Genre: Historical Romance
Features: I want a Chinese type girl with red eyes and black hair, Holding a dagger that covers her face. The dagger reflects another pair of red eyes(ML) The background can be up to your imagination, just make it red and black. If you don't have any idea, just make a red moon in the dark sky. Also, please try to use an animated girl instead of a real life one. Thanks if you pick it up!!!Hey, I am sorry but i just realized the 10 chap requirement. So ignore me, and I will come when i am done with the 10th chap(prbly by tommorow) But i surely will complete it;)
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Can I request a cover please, dear yaoyueyi? (Plz don't think I am trying to flatter you XD)
Name: The Revenge Of The Abandoned
Author name: IAlphesta
Genre: Historical Romance, Some Action
Request: I would like a girl with red eyes and black hair, holding a dagger covering some of her face with a blood red moon in the background. Also, can you use an animated face instead of a real-life human's face? Though it is entirely up to you. Also, if you want to let your creativity run loose, feel free to do so!Sincerely, IAlphesta