I would like to invite you to read my Dark Fiction Novel The Prisoner: Where the reality is in your dreams
JP Machillanda
If you try to reach me, you will find me....
I would like to invite you to read my Dark Fiction Novel The Prisoner: Where the reality is in your dreams
JP Machillanda
If you try to reach me, you will find me....
Im sure my Dark Fantasy Saga is for you....
JP Machillanda
Shivi_Pandey_5310 just try this one
and welcome to my prison
You wil find Anibal just the MC that you looking for, you are invited to visit me in my prison
I hope you can't find the way out
Check my prison:
If you find the way out just tell me how you did it¡¡¡
luckyone4812 Check my prison you will enjoy it
Just et me know if you find the way out...¡
Hello my dear colleagues, I would like to invite you to my prison, is a dark fantasy series and i would like to hear your critics this is th synopsis and the link:
Can you imagine entering a world where the battles that take place in your dreams can change your life? A world that is at the mercy of angels and demons battling to reach the Physical Plane, where your everyday life takes place, if you are willing to peer behind the veil of consciousness, then this saga is for you....
See you soon in my prison....
JP Machillanda
Carciphones_02 Welcome to my prison that will set you free: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-prisoner-series-book-1_18757701006043505
SeverusMagicus Welcome to my prison that will set you free: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-prisoner-series-book-1_18757701006043505
Hi im a new Exclusive Author and i would like to welcome you to the prison that will set you free. The Prisoner (the Origin). This is the 1st of seven book serie that im currently writing is a Dark Fantasy Series.
Are you guys ready?
So Here we go:
Synopsis :
Can you imagine entering a world where the battles that take place in your dreams can change your life? A world that is at the mercy of angels and demons battling to reach the Physical Plane, where your everyday life takes place, if you are willing to peer behind the veil of consciousness, then this saga is for you....
[links] https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-prisoner-series-book-1_18757701006043505