Book_Keeper LOL I corrected these ,,..." just yesterday, they arent acctually commas but how we make quotation marks in germany. My phone makes them like this ,,..." and my PC uses these "...", thats why they where mixed as I am writing on my phone and editing on my PC. Most of the time at least.

- May 29, 2019
- Joined Sep 23, 2018
- Edited
There is one thing I know that I am really bad at, at that is judging what I'm doing right and what not, so I would be really thankfull for an professionall assessment, as I am always striving to better my writing quality. Oh, and I would be happy about a review as well ofcourse! Thanks
This is the link to my story: I already started reading a bit, and will still continue until at least somewhere around chapter 30 or so, if your story can keep me interested after that I will obviously read more and gradually make adjustments to my review. But please read the current version, especially the second half as it is very important and could prevent eventual problems. In that line, try reading your own story from the start from the position of a reader and not the author, it could be very helpfull. Oh, and maybe delete the "(edited)" tags from your chapternames, makes the whole thing look more beautifull LOL
Haah, whats with all those 90%... Pls, try reading my story!
It fits, as far as I can say, 100% with all your criteria’s, im writing it with pretty similar ones in mind after all. Well, there will be romance at some point in the future, but thats at the very least still around 150 chapter or more away so I dont think it will bother you. Only downside is that I still don’t have that many chapters, 9 right now.
Have fun reading!- Edited
Always open for swaps! And no need to sugarcoat it, I'm always happy with criticism as long as it makes sense XD story of storie's
When Alice was still a young girl, there was once an old storyteller that visited her village, and Alice had always loved stories. So she asked the old man:
„What should I do to become like you? Traveling around the villages and telling stories really sounds like fun! I also want to be a storyteller!“Only sometime later would she remember what he answered her back then:
„Being a storyteller isn't fate, it's a destiny. And if fate is a story, then destiny is its end. To become a storyteller, you will first need a story, and the best story is always your own. But your story still hasn't begun just yet.“After she left her village, she looked back one last time. Now it was empty, no one lived anymore in the small house where she had lived with her family and the old man that always called her 'little fairy' also wasn't there anymore.
Looking back she wondered: "Is this the begin of my story? My fate?"
Edit: I dont know why, but i only seem to get swap requests from from people who write romance, and I'm not that much of a fan of that. (No offense, just personall preference) So plese ask someone else if its a pure romance.
Thanks!- Edited
Always open for swaps! And no need to sugarcoat it, I'm always happy with criticism as long as it makes sense XD story of storie's
When Alice was still a young girl, there was once an old storyteller that visited her village, and Alice had always loved stories. So she asked the old man:
„What should I do to become like you? Traveling around the villages and telling stories really sounds like fun! I also want to be a storyteller!“Only sometime later would she remember what he answered her back then:
„Being a storyteller isn't fate, it's a destiny. And if fate is a story, then destiny is its end. To become a storyteller, you will first need a story, and the best story is always your own. But your story still hasn't begun just yet.“After she left her village, she looked back one last time. Now it was empty, no one lived anymore in the small house where she had lived with her family and the old man that always called her 'little fairy' also wasn't there anymore.
Looking back she wondered: "Is this the begin of my story? My fate?"
Edit: I dont know why, but i only seem to get swap requests from from people who write romance, and I'm not that much of a fan of that. (No offense, just personall preference) So plese ask someone else if its a pure romance.
Thanks!- Edited
Always open for swaps! And no need to sugarcoat it, I'm always happy with criticism as long as it makes sense XD A story of storie's
Genre: Fantasy
When Alice was still a young girl, there was once an old storyteller that visited her village, and Alice had always loved stories. So she asked the old man:
„What should I do to become like you? Traveling around the villages and telling stories really sounds like fun! I also want to be a storyteller!“Only sometime later would she remember what he answered her back then:
„Being a storyteller isn't fate, it's a destiny. And if fate is a story, then destiny is its end. To become a storyteller, you will first need a story, and the best story is always your own. But your story still hasn't begun just yet.“After she left her village, she looked back one last time. Now it was empty, no one lived anymore in the small house where she had lived with her family and the old man that always called her 'little fairy' also wasn't there anymore.
Looking back she wondered: "Is this the begin of my story? My fate?"
Edit: I dont know why, but i only seem to get swap requests from from people who write romance, and I'm not that much of a fan of that. (No offense, just personall preference) So plese ask someone else if its a pure romance.
Thanks!- Edited
Always open for swaps! And no need to sugarcoat it, I'm always happy with criticism as long as it makes sense XD story of storie's
When Alice was still a young girl, there was once an old storyteller that visited her village, and Alice had always loved stories. So she asked the old man:
„What should I do to become like you? Traveling around the villages and telling stories really sounds like fun! I also want to be a storyteller!“Only sometime later would she remember what he answered her back then:
„Being a storyteller isn't fate, it's a destiny. And if fate is a story, then destiny is its end. To become a storyteller, you will first need a story, and the best story is always your own. But your story still hasn't begun just yet.“After she left her village, she looked back one last time. Now it was empty, no one lived anymore in the small house where she had lived with her family and the old man that always called her 'little fairy' also wasn't there anymore.
Looking back she wondered: "Is this the begin of my story? My fate?"
Edit: I dont know why, but i only seem to get swap requests from from people who write romance, and I'm not that much of a fan of that. (No offense, just personall preference) So plese ask someone else if its a pure romance.
Thanks!Iotameru Just written the review! I will wait for more chapters XD
- Edited
Always open for swaps! And no need to sugarcoat it, I'm always happy with criticism as long as it makes sense XD story of storie's
When Alice was still a young girl, there was once an old storyteller that visited her village, and Alice had always loved stories. So she asked the old man:
„What should I do to become like you? Traveling around the villages and telling stories really sounds like fun! I also want to be a storyteller!“Only sometime later would she remember what he answered her back then:
„Being a storyteller isn't fate, it's a destiny. And if fate is a story, then destiny is its end. To become a storyteller, you will first need a story, and the best story is always your own. But your story still hasn't begun just yet.“After she left her village, she looked back one last time. Now it was empty, no one lived anymore in the small house where she had lived with her family and the old man that always called her 'little fairy' also wasn't there anymore.
Looking back she wondered: "Is this the begin of my story? My fate?"
Edit: I dont know why, but i only seem to get swap requests from from people who write romance, and I'm not that much of a fan of that. (No offense, just personall preference) So plese ask someone else if its a pure romance.
Thanks!- Edited
I just wanted to ask a few questions about how I could try to promote my book. At first, my story got about 500 views per day, but ever since ive gotten to about 9.000 views, it started to stagnate to a point where it wouldnt even rise by 100 in a day. So I wanted to ask how my situation is compared to other people and if anyone has ideas how I could try to promote my story a bit to change that.
My story is called "A story of stories", so please try taking a look at it and tell me if I made any fundamental mistake if there are any.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I just wanted to ask if my story can participate or not? The thing is, both "gene" and "dragon" are featured in my story, but the story starts in the MC's childhood and slowly builds up. That means that dragons wont appear until at least several hundred chapters into the story and only in rumors before that, and "genes" (although under a different name) may appear but are part of the world setting and play only a supportive role as well until much later. Its just that my MC starts out as a child living on the streets and is, at least in the first hundred chapters, in no position to get involved into these parts of the plot.
Would i be able to participate like this or not?