Phantomfiend okay, I already reviewed yours.

- Joined May 16, 2022
- In About novel
No genre is liked by all. You need to choose your targeted audience and write the book thinking about their preferences. Teenage boys might like overpowered MCs and/or harem. Teenage girls might like dramatic romances or wish-fulfillment plots too. It can vary a lot, so study hard! Reading lots and lots of books is a must!
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is your novel new? IF YES, then you need to wait some time until it can receive power stones.
Retsag the only way you could completely delete your novel is by sending a e-mail and waiting.
yes. but it's a bit troublesome if you want to delete your novel after posting it here.
EldritchBlade I agree with everything you said. I, myself, learned English from translating novels word by word, even from machine translations, and it took me years to finally get a grasp of the correct grammar and appreciate it.
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I seek enjoyment. If I like it, I like it. By liking it, I can immerse myself in it, and then forget the real-world problems. But I can only enjoy works that are at least creative, and not completely cliched. I hate generic AND completely previsible novels the most, makes me want to throw up.
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Moreover, try talking to someone you absolutely trusts, preferentially blood related, and don't be ashamed to say what is going on, even if they don't understand you, they will eventually understand you are suffering. When you reach a certain mental age, you will see how stupid it is to be ashamed of anything like this. Everything has its cause and effect, so don't be so harsh on yourself.
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the_lil1iput_pixie when I was at middle and high school, I had very low self esteem, so I just buried my negative feelings deep down, which I regret doing, it affects me to this day. Now, if someone try to make fun of me, I simply ignore them. They condemn themselves to receive the "animal/beast" tag doing this. Really, would you bother about what an insect or a rat says to you? Just ignore them, unless they are making fun of you as friends, and not as third rate villains.
Hamapo thanks for replying
Why is my book's cover not shown when my book appears in the search of the webnovels? In its place, it's shown the standard "simple" cover for every book on the platform without an uploaded cover.
Misguided_Rooster almost puked here, too cringe hahaha
Up. Try reporting on discord.
It's no wonder most of the Korean novels' harems are generally elusive and end up being false since the authors there do have a bit more common sense. The authors get cowardly and decide to give up making a harem mid-way, disappointing the readers there for a harem.
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But it's not like a harem relationship is impossible to happen with real-world logic. It's just excessively complicated to make it acceptable for both parties, it would be a mess of feelings and thoughts. How many people have what is necessary to write a "good" harem situation? Even I, as an author, find it one of the most difficult things to write. It's better to write about a character with multiple love interests but without anything solid, since they wouldn't accept it easily. I can't even fathom how to make it acceptable for the characters and how to develop their messed feelings.
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A woman would feel as you would if your partner suddenly decided to have a harem of men instead of being satisfied with just you. Would she really love you in this case?