MayDreamer hey there great job writing the story... Im gonna add it to my library. A worthy collection!

- Sep 16, 2021
- Joined Aug 17, 2021
MayDreamer sure lets do it.
Hey there swap reviews anyone?
here is mine- hey there i have done your review, hopefully you can review mine soon.
we are a kindred soul addicted to angels and demonsSaberKey sure lets do it
here is mine:- a great story... i must say your humor is very good im impressed. I was slain by that Beyonce joke
- Edited
Comfort_Wilson sure lets swap review
you can read my novel here:- hey there I'm done reviewing yours. Waiting for you to review mine
Shadow_BLAck_1018 thanks mate... yours is also a very good one, i would recommend others here to give it a read at least once.
Rage_1 sure why not
here is mine- sure lets swap reviews
you can read my novel here:- sure lets do it... on to your case
here is mine- Edited
Aravind_S sure why not lets swap review
here is mine- great story... it definitely has potential in my opinion
Pixiepiu vampires? sign me up... I'll get to reading your story
Book_Pen so was yours... p.s... i too like vampires
Shadow_BLAck_1018 i have done the review and have added to the library. Keep up the good work.
Book_Pen Sure I like a good romance novel
here's mine:- Sure lets do this.
here's mine:- Absolutely ill get to your novel soon!