I know I know, probably asked already, but I really wish for a proper separation as we can't search multiple tags at once, or exclude things. I'm on PC, and there are two things that I really really want. 1 the latest updated filter for my library like Mobile has, but pc doesn't. And 2 a proper separation for Girl's Love, cause god damnit I don't want them all in on big amalgamation under the tag LGBT+, that's literally asking to be flooded with the more 'popular'/made Yaoi(Boy's Love). We have to sift through hundreds of web novels just to find some Girl's love because your tag system sucks where we have to search through multiple tags as no one uses the same ones, and some people just don't add them. For this suggestion, just get me a separate Girl's Love Genre. I ain't asking for much, I ain't asking for standardization of your tag system (though you really need one). I ain't asking for you to code something that's very hard to do. Just a simple separate genre for Girl's Love, and possibly Boy's Love.

- Nov 30, 2020
- Joined Oct 30, 2019
.... Right, ok, so free readers, can read like 3 locked chapters a day, meaning I get 10-30 mins of content to read per day of them.... yeah nah mate, unless I'm updated to the end, I might as well drop books, possibly even the site and find greener pastures.... I say that, but there's some interesting fan fictions here, so I'll be staying lol
Oh and can we please do something about spam comments? Cause it's just disgusting seeing comments that are random characters on the keyboard, or copy pasted phrases, or emotes, or whatever else. In short, the exp system needs an update, or something else as it's just cancer at the moment. I don't particularly mind people saying exp, but when people just spam the same phrase or emotes, or just slam their head across their keyboards and hit send, it's just makes me want the option to purge it, and I can't as it's not a legal report option. Please do something about that.https://acts.webnovel.com/2018/63659293/index.html#4c5jTvF0
.... Why do I have to binge chapters like it's nothing?!