WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I was wondering why there is no free chaps for GoS. So it the reason. Full block for SS with "discount". Nice move. Keep on.

- Mar 24, 2019
- Joined Nov 15, 2017
- In TGIF # 10
Buy the way. GoS have no free chaps for 2 days. Is it mean that novell fully locked and would be available only with SS?
N0xiety translator is somewhat stupid in renaming. Even can't think out about not used names. Country teg UA already occupied for 25 years - it's Ukraine.
So translator is racist, he hates Ukraine. And much other countries. So or change all names or do not change anything. Better second. Or do not touch novels if do not want do a proper work.- In Boycott
GodBrandy You misunderstood something.
QI want each premium beta user to pay about 200-300 $ for each premium novel in the end.
We want standard premium, we pay monthly subscription 20-30$ and get access to all premium novels without ss or something else. Not a problem of ads in other bonus chaps in other novels. - In Boycott
Shameless7kim yes. I can just go and buy and some Japanese, English or Russian or Even Chinese( if they in 3 first languages, yes. There is some kind of them translated and printed out) novels In paper or digital version. Beside each book will contain text about 800 chaps of RTW. And text will not contein "Chinese" repeating the same text about 3-4 time in row. Price for book of this sort from 15 to 30$ in my country, even if I buy some of them from Japan.
Face_Smacking_Dao for me this character look like 15+. Enough mature body for this judgment.
Flaffy No. Everyone think that she is little girl and do not sell commodity or provide service for mature. It normal reaction to call police if small girl makes rackus about no selling in bar around sexshop, or mature man walking with to sexy dressed lol and flirting. You know policeman "yes. We know that you enough old. Yes. Go home or we will call to your mom. " etc. Only 1 or 2 from 10 of them firstly ask for ID.
As result seller or police fall in hell for mistreating - and yes - possible problems with law. So in 90% she gets discount and very sincere apologies.Face_Smacking_Dao 15+ years old girl is loli? Seriously?
Buy the way my friend have wife which 151sm and look like 14-16old, but she is 24 olready. They likes to abuse bars and police for "non appropriate attitude, law harrasment and denying to provide services (like sell alcohol in bar) to mature customer "LtBeefy they promised 1 free a day. So. Where is my 1 free a day? Nowhere. Oops? So if I want to continue reading I must forever pay from this moment.
I prefer real, complete premium, per month for example to have access to all. I do not like sh*tty system to pay up to 300$ for 1 novel of 800 chaps of middle leight. For this sum I can buy up to 10 REAL books with pro proofreading, not scrap chaps with mistakes.LtBeefy I unlocked 7 premium chapters of RTW. Now I don't have any of free chaps for the week. Would You still be trying to persuade me that I have free chaps?
Sacredwisp once you go premium there is no more free chapters. Only if you stopped reading for 2-4 weeks.
eros yes. More SS to buy if you go premium
DoopDash Yep. Short chap. But much more chaps. Up to 5-6k for example. So total length at and would be practically the same.
DoopDash you want premium novels chaps for 4 stones? Nope. It won't do. QI will make you pay 12 to 20 SS For chapter. Praise QI. It can allow you to spend your SS quick
- Edited
I like SH and wated for it every day. If there is at list 6k users doing the same there is no problem to get 42K power stones each week.
So your compleins so miserable. Really.- In Boycott
GodBrandy 200-300 buck for one whole novel of 600 chaps? Really?
Positive_Lullaby it's been proven by statistics that 100% who breath and drink water - all died. Want to live? Do not breath. Do not drink!!! Logical? No? Yep, you too =)
ShanRai I actually like this novel. So I give 1 stone each day. So there is only need of about 4000 to 5000 users like me. How you think is QI have only 5k users?
immortal_corrupt it's better to have all chapters with Ad. Ads give money. Buy the way with this new system each novel will cost around 200-300 dollars for each user. This just fantastic. Sorry. For this sum I can buy 4 to 10 real book or digital copy. Not temporary online text.