I have filled out at least 3 surveys and still not receive that badge....

- Sep 14, 2022
- Joined Oct 23, 2018
QuaccasaurusRex, It's not a bug, it's the time zone that WebNovel uses. For me, I'm in MDT so daily check in changes at 10am. Which means before 10am today I can check in for Aug 21 and after 10am I can check in for Aug 22.
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Today the reading timer is missing from Library. Now it has a recommendation section at the top of Library instead. Besides using this reading timer, I can't tell how many minutes are logged especially since the WebNovel timer doesn't log all the mintues I have read. I timed it once where I have been reading 2 hours but no minutes were logged that time. So if there's no visible timer, it's hard to tell how many minutes are logged for the current reading events.
I didn't even get a free spin....
I saw the event email today for 10 mins and then it disappeared....
I have seen a few other post about this and I saw a post from last year where they said it was fixed. I've tried replying to a chapter comment and a review but still can't claim reward. My reply was 2 sentences x 10 words.