- Mar 9, 2020
- Joined Aug 26, 2018
StenDuring Yup, very true. I was thinking about that! Sad for me though, No ID, No card, I have none! XD
StenDuring Yup, very true. I was thinking about that! Sad for me though, No ID, No card, I have none! XD
StenDuring Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. What 'if' readers don't like the story, got bored and even dropped it. What happen after that? You may get less or nothing at all while they got the your novels rights. It's kinda risky. I also decline the offer one of the reason is I don't want someone to have the rights to my novel, second is that I don't have a credit card, haha.
Same here, writing is my hobby. But sometimes when real life beaten you down and you're lacking with financial life really gets hard and the road gets so bumpy haha.
I'm still searching for a job while I'm still in college. Hard to find a job though since they want someone to have a bachelor degree.
Ah, I'm so depress. Sigh. I need someone to talk to.
Immovable087 I read the contract carefully I'm ready to sign but my problem is I don't have a credit card or something to receive the money hahaha. Thanks for the info tho :">
Immovable087 Damn, I don't think I can go 40,000 words in one month. Some of my chapters ranges only 700-1200. They sent me a message 4 days ago for the contract and the outline is due today. However, I don't have some of the requirements that were needed for the contract, I don't have a bank account. Sadly for me. Better luck next time, then. Sigh.
Furthermore, I still don't understand some the thongs that were written on the contract so I'm kinda scared.
If you're a contracted author please enlighten me.
Peachwoodgirl6 I'll be readi g yours now and will be leaving a review! :)
Gourmet_DAO Thank you for the review! I was really surprise to read yours. You were very eloquent with words and was very good at it (I'm jealous.) I hope I can give that kind of review but I'll be honest and understand your work and try to leave a best review
Hey guys, reply to this if you want a review swap :) Here's mine.
ChessityFlames HI! Check out mine if you have time! :)
ShinSungmi Cool. I'll add yours in my library and read it :D