
- Sep 6, 2019
- Joined Nov 16, 2017
Dannnnz I followed your advice and got rid of everything, but it still won't publish.
Here's the link again:'s-PetThank you very much for everything you've been doing to fix them problem. o()o
Dannnnz I tried updating the chapter again, but I still can't get it to show up. You said it could be suspended for using special characters... would this "-" and/or "/" be counted in that? Cause maybe that's why I'm still having trouble.
Also, for furture reference, does that mean that we can't use Chinese characters or any other characters outside the english alphebet?
So that's why... I was wracking my brain trying to figure out why it wasn't working, but thankfully I thought to come here.
Heres the link to my web novel: