
  • Feb 18, 2020
  • Joined Sep 9, 2019
  • Cant you just use them directly too purchase chapters by going to the book you want to buy from

    • and as far as power ranking goes How is that measured. One of my stories has a power ranking of 1840 or so. 1840 out of how many, is that ranking any good?

      • why cant I find my novel when I use the search engine. It title is The Gadgetist, but when I search that nothing comes up. I published it over two weeks ago.

        • So for contest 99 It has to be a love story. But many people wrote there stories like that for contest 97 and 98. Can they just resubmit the same story for this contest then?

          • ZoomBee

            I gave you a review. I really liked the story it just took a long time for the story to get started. Although its tempting to dump a whole bunch of information about the world on the reader at the beginning its often better to only give what's necessary like the main characters name.

            The entire first chapter seemed like it could have been taken out and the story would have been fine. The final thing is that you might want to think about breaking up your paragraphs into smaller paragraphs.

            Here's a link to mine :)


            • fagfaghahadshs

              I got your review down, with out a doubt an adult novel. XD Overall the story passing seemed slow to me but I'm more used to reading more action focused stories so I think you probably don't have too much to worry about. That's the biggest thing I noticed. Another thing that kind of seemed off to me was about the MC, when he felt awkward holding a girl in his arms being naked it seemed to not particularly match his character, either that or his character isn't actually as bad as his reputation. This is an important distinction to make because he could be like the MC of overlord where he's actually not so bad, or he could totally be the worst person to have ever lived. The throne of human suffering and his minions most certainly give of his evilness, however he never actually admits one way or the other to the reader, so I was left wondering for quite awhile.

              Grammar and descriptions were all excellent aside from a few typos, there weren't that many though. The description of the second infernal was especially excellent right near the beginning of the story.

              • erza29
                I really hope you actually read all the people that beat you out before saying its unfair just because of the chapter publishing difference and power stone gain.

                • Willsimulated

                  Haha so I know I wasn't one of the people you asked directly but I reviewed your story, its really interesting and the suspense that you managed to build up with your writing was especially good. The MC himself seemed a little bit too much like the MC from "That Time I got Reincarnated As A Slime" though. Not just the fact that he was a slime but they had very similar personalities. Another thing I noticed is that when describing the first potential hero you say that he is grinning multiple times, this kind of gives me the feeling that he is sinister rather than actually a good guy. Throughout the first three chapters I kept thinking he was going to turn on the MC at some point. Your writing and grammar are also pretty good but I noticed a few typos and missing words here and there so you might want to do another pass over your already published work.

                  If you would review my story Id appreciate it as well here's the link.

                  • I have a few different stories I'm working on right now but this is the main one at the moment.
                    Its for the superpowers writing contest, and is about a guy that lives in a world where monsters have taken over most of the world, so superpowers were given to people in order to combat the monsters.

                    I'm fine with review swaps if anyone's interested, otherwise here's my story if you just want to read it.

                    • I mean I have been told mine are good if you want to check them out, feel free to leave a review if you have any suggestions to.

                      This is about a dwarf that saves a half demon from a slaver.

                      This is a post apocalyptic world where the human race relies on people with super powers to hold off monsters. I entered it in a writing contest so if you really like it id appreciate the power stones.

                      • kazesenken

                        lol I pretty much did, there weren't exactly genre breaking or anything but they were different twists that I enjoyed. I think what you really should do is aim for breaking a few of the regular tropes but not all of them, the reason there popular is because there cool, well most of them. Sometimes its refreshing to have a super week MC that relies on her friends like Ascendance of a bookworm, and sometimes its comical to have a MC that totally incompetent but everything works out for him. Maybe try making a character that is supper strong and charismatic but for some reason all the girls stay away from him. XD

                        • CCmei

                          If your still having this problem you should know its not that bad and can happen pretty easily.
                          However its just as easy to fix, you simply need to come up with a questionnaire of sorts or even just use the Proust questionnaire, you then fill one out for each character answering the questions as if you were the character rather than yourself. This is a tool used to help you figure out exactly how your characters are different and then you should inflate there differences and imagine scenarios that they'd react differently in, this should give you ideas for your stories that should hopefully drift apart rather than overlap. Overlapping itself isn't always a bad thing either though, if you love writing something than you should just keep writing it, even if its similar to something else you've already done, likewise if someone loves reading something there probably going to read other stories that are similar too it that's why there are always huge lists when you google anime/books/movies that are like XXXXX.

                        • kazesenken

                          So there are really two things that I absolutely LOVE... Number one can only happen if the MC gets reincarnated into someone else body, and what I love is when one of the friends of the bodies previous owner found out that she wasn't the same person he used to know and she had to confess that she was from another world. It was a really emotional moment and I really loved seeing it even though it is kind of niche.

                          The second thing is when the MC is actually clueless as heck but everyone thinks that there borderline omnipotent because everything just kind of works out for them even though there actually not that smart.

                          IMPORTANT NOTE. If you want a good example for a trope breaking isakai RE ZERO is a good example. The MC is really weak and actually just normal, the only thing is that he has infinite tries because every time he screws up and DIES which is often, he starts over from a checkpoint.

                          • yea Ive seen a lot of people give criticism though and still give like a 4.8 star rating, Id much rather know what my work is actually worth, even if it is just a 3 star right now... Otherwise ill probably just think I'm awesome and wonder why no one recognizes my supreme talent and mater craftmanship of words... XD

                          • LuoNa

                            For general purposes I am going too assume that your best work will be some of your more recent work so Ill take my examples from the latest chapters of the story. I do however feel the need to point out that the grammar and tenses should be looked at and edited in the first chapters especially.

                            Within the first paragraph you use the word Immortals three times in three lines, and while this accurately describes the group of people your referring too you should really try to limit using the same word multiple times within a short timeframe, you did this quite a lot at the beginning of the story as well with use of the word and. The story still gets its point across well but id someone reads the same word to many times without enough words in between than it fells like your just reading the same thing over and over and perhaps even worse than that it makes the story choppy, the goal is to make the story flow smoothly into the mind of the reader and word variation and sentence structure are both very important in that regard.

                            As far as sentence structure in the first chapter it was decent but lacking, there were many places that needed commas and didn't have them. In chapter 70 your sentence structure is actually really quite good and very well written which was an impressive improvement to see, the only exception is that you have several run on sentences that go on just a little bit too long. A run on sentence is essentially a sentence that keeps on going, usually containing three or more commas. It is ok and sometimes necessary to have sentences like this, but they should be found mostly in dialogue. If a character is the only one speaking like say a teacher giving a lecture, than they might speak in a run on sentence, the narration and descriptions on the other hand should have little to none, if a sentence goes on too long than the reader will feel like the story isn't going anywhere or has hit a stand still, this breaks immersion and separates the reader from the story which is the last thing we want.

                            The only other thing was the grammar, most notably when you describe someone as going towards/to someplace else you tend to say on or in. You don't lead someone on a ledge you lead them to a ledge, however many of these could just be typos in which case you would lead someone (Onto) a ledge, whichever happens to be the case you should watch out for little things like that when your proofing or typing.

                            The story itself was actually really interesting even though I skipped ahead after the first few chapters, The last chapter was written very well compared to the first, it was fun too see the improvement, however if you ever have time now that your a better writer its important to go back over your older work and proof read it again, it will also improve your writing even further.

                            Good job and good luck in the future I hope you read some of my novels and review them as well.

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