I'm a student,
I'm an avid reader,
everyday i read on this website.
But for the subscription price, it is a little bit much for me, moreover if i converted it to my currency, it is pricy.
I sometimes i buy ss, but for i am right now I don't think it's worth it to subs due to several reasons. I don't have that much money to burn each month. Many of my favorite novels stopped updating.
Though maybe you "whale" have money to burn why not.. For me, i think sooner or later i will lose interest to this website and delete it altogether. I can survive not readingthe uncompleted stories. Amd that way maybe i don't need to waste money on this kind of uncertain ending novels.
Even though, i said all those things, i hope they can lower the price to let us who does not have money to burn or on a budget can afford it too..
That's my two cents, just want to rants..