@SilentSolitude I've reviewed your novel, please could you do the same!

- Feb 29, 2024
- Joined Oct 3, 2018
CosmicArchmage Lo_rezi00 @SilentSolitude
Hi! I've read your book and leave a review.
Would you like to read my light novel and leave an honest review?
https://www.webnovel.com/book/destiny-forgers_26705904406227505WARNING 037 :warning:
User: @SilentSolitude
User Warning number: 001
Warning reasons: Self promotion
Warning details:
Self promotion on the wrong threads is forbidden. For example, you posted your novel link that's:
a system and VR MMORPG type
on a thread asking for novels similar to:
Trial marriage, The most loving marriage in history and The beautiful life of whirlwind marriage
which are all romance novels that are completely different from your kind of novel that you promoted. It is fine to self promote your novel by dropping a link in a thread asking for recommendations IF your novel fits what the original poster is asking for. Otherwise, it is prohibited.
Posts deleted.