We're all shameless in here here's mine
I'll leave my mark in yours just wait for it
We're all shameless in here here's mine
I'll leave my mark in yours just wait for it
This one's for you too see too I'll check yours and leave a my mark in it
UnjustlyUnderpaid much love to you
Please read my new novel hehehe thanks and don't forget to leave a comment and review good or bad I'll take it
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Last question is there no word limit on the novel submitted
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL does the reincarnation like the one from the returning from immortal world work
MasterRabbink fanfiction is not allowed because of copyrights but if you made a fanfiction of some old novels that doesn't have copyrights any more I think that will count
MasterRabbink it can win but not receive the prize i think because the characters or something in that novel is from another novel and could be considered fanfiction
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL can the reincarnation be in like fantasy world or cultivation world?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL does it really have to be in modern time of reality or it can be a fantasy modern world
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL does it really have to be in modern time of reality or it can be a fantasy modern world
I was wondering about this for a long long time
Millman97 It seems that i cant join discord
TheLonerLion don't ever do that before the servers been updated.
Dannnnz oh ok
TheLonerLion it got cought in the auto ban so the only thing you can do is wait for the bug to be fixed or a mod lifting ban in your acc
if you all too lazy to read what @17Sphynx17 just said It would be just when you get unban don't republish or delete for the mean time until the server finishes update.
Bluepencil don't ever delete any chapter that you publish until the bug gets fix
TheLonerLion not in draft?