
  • Jul 29, 2021
  • Joined Jul 6, 2019
  • Alright...So I guess this thread is helping people! I'd appreciate the help in helping people.

    Thanks for talking up this challenge with me and I really hope others will come around.

    Also, if you're thinking of taking the editor test for Webnovel, please try helping some of these authors out. Think of it like practice for the big leagues.

    A lot of people already sent me stories so editors who can edit, please share your email so that they can send it to you too.

    • Alwan_

      Thank you my friend. In the quest to clean up Webnovel...I know I can't do it alone.

      I'd like more people to help authors because writing is a pretty hard thing to do. Some books get trashed on because of their grammar even with the idea being dope af. I feel like it'll be more beneficial to the world if we clean it up.

      As long as you can improve the work...even if it's just by a little, then you should go for it.

      You've already applied to be an editor which is pretty cool! I just wish more people could help out.

    • Sigheti
      Mission failed on my part. I forgot that Webnovel stopped letting you [ctrl + c, ctrl + v] things.

      Can u send me the chapter through a google docs?

      My email is

      • All jokes and exaggerations aside, you guys have really good stuff. All your novels need is that extra touch up and I think it'll be a diamond in the rough.

        • Hello, I'm Travo!

          I'm back! Technically. Not writing wise but I had some free time and I decided to take a look at the work around here. And gosh was I disappointed. The work quality got lower from the last time I left! What is up with that?

          But...instead of just pointing out a problem that everybody else has already pointed out, I should also come up with a solution. And to do that we have to identify the cause of the drop in quality.

          The biggest problem is many Authors here aren't native English speakers. Meaning they make a lot of mistakes when writing. And that's okay. It's fine. It's not really a problem. But there is a way to make your work improve a lot.

          It's by getting an editor!!!!!

          Shocking yes! Who would've thought right?

          But you might be saying, "Aren't editors too expensive?" and "Don't I need to have a large following to get one?"

          Well yes, you're right I suppose. But I have a solution! I'll edit 2-3 of you chapters for free!!!!!!!

          Yes. You heard me right. For free! No credit card required. No email. No nothing! It's like a free trial that you can cancel anytime you want! Feel free to come back with 10 alt accounts btw. I don't judge.

          As long as it isn't a FANFICTION I will edit 2-3 chapters for free!!.

          I don't edit fanfictions because they get dropped too quick, too often. All my hard work gets thrown in the drain for nothing.

          Web Novel Novel Ask