YuanYang Because it's not about the genre style. Shojo and Shonen are what could be considered genres no? And we are talking about the gender/sex of the lead character. Which can be for many styles of novels. What you might typically find under Shonen will actually have female leads same for shojo with male leads. I want to read Female lead books like the energy stone option title says... Not BL MALE lead books just because it might be considered shojo? I mean are gay male leads female? I feel like saying that they are is an issue in itself no?

- Jan 4, 2020
- Joined May 19, 2018
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Please try and sort this out it's really frustrating thank you.
So I decided to use my energy stones finally! I tend to read female lead books but lo and behold all of the books that I could vote for (three in total) in the female lead section have male leads... And their romantic counterparts are also male. Now hear me out... Female lead voting section should be for female leads. Male lead voting section should be for male leads! Why are the male lead books encroaching into the female lead section I don't want to read any of those books. I'm here for my female protagonists. Just because the three books in the female lead section insinuate BL does not mean the may lead is not male. Move it over to the male lead section please. I want to read and vote for female main character books. Thanks Webnovel