Who's up for comment and review swap? https://www.webnovel.com/book/akashic-connection_22343259706069405 send your link!

- Mar 26, 2022
- Joined Jan 11, 2022
[unknown] We all have a lot to learn. I'll read yours and leave a review! https://www.webnovel.com/book/akashic-connection_22343259706069405 this is mine, please do the same and we can both discuss what we feel like we could do better.
DelzGB Let's do it, here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/akashic-connection_22343259706069405
Nerdy_Joker_101 I will do it right now! Thank you very much.
We can also post our novels and exchange notes on what we could fix. I'm open to reading anything.
If any of you have any advice for the new writers, such as myself, on how to enhance writing quality or gain more attention, please share it here.
002_Yuki_Onna Nickaido @Rayne_Rue Stormzz and Future_M_Animator Just finished reading your stories and left reviews.
002_Yuki_Onna Thank you so much! I'll do yours soon too.
002_Yuki_Onna Yes please, here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/akashic-connection_22343259706069405
Future_M_Animator Thank you, I'll get right to it
https://www.webnovel.com/book/akashic-connection_22343259706069405 please check my novel and leave a review. Of course, I'll do yours too. Just send me the link. It's still in the early chapters.
I feel like it is always a good idea to step out of your shoes as a writer and read the chapters you write as if you are reading them for the first time. This always helps me find flaws in my sentences.
who's up for a swap? https://www.webnovel.com/book/byzantine_22179869705724205